Our colleagues from NCC Turkey, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, İTÜ, and QTurkey are organizing a two-week online introductory workshop on quantum computing. The workshop will consist of 6 sessions, each lasting 2 hours, and will take place from 12 to 21 December 2023. The deadline for registration is 9 December 2023.

The workshop aims to cover the fundamentals of quantum computing, the implementation of basic quantum protocols, and algorithms. The first week will provide a quick overview of Linear Algebra, postulates of quantum mechanics, an overview of quantum operators, Bloch sphere representation, and quantum algorithms. The second week consists of the QBronze workshop, which is an introductory-level quantum workshop series based on the open-source introductory material Bronze prepared by QWorld.

Bronze is a tutorial that consists of approximately 30 Jupyter notebooks, designed to teach participants about specific tasks. During the workshop, participants will receive mentoring support through Discord, as well as live sessions conducted by the TÜBİTAK and QTurkey teams. Daily assignments will be given on Canvas, and those who successfully complete all of the tasks will receive a Bronze certificate from QTurkey.

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