If you missed the EBRAINS project event in December, don't worry. Another event focusing on A Gateway to Collaborative Neuroscience will be held on 12 February 2024.

This webinar will introduce EBRAINS, a digital research infrastructure that is accelerating collaborative brain research acros...

This webinar aims to introduce EBRAINS, a digital research infrastructure that accelerates collaborative brain research across neuroscience, brain health, and brain-related technologies. The webinar is scheduled for 13 December 2023, and registration is open until 12 December 2023.

The ses...

EOSC Future training workshop in North Macedonia will take place from 11-13 September 2023 in the beautiful resort town of Ohrid, located on the shores of Lake Ohrid. The EOSC Future project will cover travel and accommodation expenses for approximately 10 selected participants per country from...