On 18 September 2024, the Energy Oriented Center of Excellence (EoCoE) will showcase the Alya simulation code as part of the Industrial Code of the Month series. Alya is designed to solve complex multiphysics problems using high-performance computing techniques on distributed and shared memory-accelerated supercomputers, utilizing vectorization and optimization at the node level. This talk will focus mainly on wind applications in automotive and aircraft aerodynamics, with specific examples from collaborations with SEAT and Airbus.

Alya is a mature code initially developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and is now used at several Centers of Excellence (CoE). It is part of the Unified European Applications Benchmark Suite (UEABS) for CPU and GPU and has been tested on most European supercomputers, with scalability results of over 100,000 cores. During EoCoE, in collaboration with the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) node-level optimization team, Alya’s GPU implementation has been significantly optimized. Over the past two years, the Large Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics group at BSC has been developing a new high-order spectral element code, named SOD2D. The use of high-order elements has provided superior accuracy, which is crucial for scale-resolving simulation.

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