The High-performance computing center in Stuttgart will host an online training event introducing attendees to oneAPI, SYCL2020, and OpenMP offloading from 23 September to 25 September 25 2024. Registration closes on 8 September 2024.

A similar event took place in September of last year. This event will cover the same topics and equip participants with new skills upon completion of the course. In particular:

  • be familiar with the oneAPI programming model,
  • have an overview of Data Parallel C++/SYCL programming,
  • have gained knowledge about fundamental OpenMP offloading,
  • have an overview of oneAPI libraries such as oneMKL,
  • basic knowledge about profiling and performance analysis,
  • basic knowledge of (dynamical) debugging of programs using the oneAPI programming model,
  • be aware of how Intel's Open Source Compatibility tool can help to migrate CUDA to SYCL code.

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