FFplus is the continuation of the previous Fortissimo projects (Fortissimo 1 and 2, FF4EuroHPC). These projects directly tackled the barriers for SMEs by using HPC, HPDA, or AI to optimize or develop products and processes. The aim was to enhance the global competitiveness of European industry.

During the FFplus project (2024-2028), SMEs and startups will receive support through six open calls to fund business experiments and innovation studies. Business experiments will focus on helping SMEs utilize high-performance computing (HPC) to address specific business challenges. These challenges are faced by SMEs that have not previously used or had experience with HPC services. On the other hand, innovation studies will provide support to European SMEs and startups already involved in generative AI technology. These entities lack the necessary computational resources to scale up their operations.

The first open call was launched on 21 June 2024 and will remain open for submissions until 4 September 2024. Successful applicants will receive funding and support from FFplus to conduct these sub-projects. The open call webinars will be offered on 1 July and 8 July 2024. Information on the webinars is available on the business experiments and innovation studies pages.

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