We attended the training workshop for EOSC Future in North Macedonia last week. The workshop took place in the scenic resort town of Ohrid, situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid. Around 100 Western Balkans and Ukraine participants discussed EOSC-related topics at the 3-day event. The sessions were split into three tracks designed specifically for end-users, providers, and facilitators/trainers. Our primary focus was sessions that targeted providers to understand better the requirements for onboarding HPC-related services into the EOSC.

During our stay in Ohrid, we met with our colleagues from NCC North Macedonia and NCC Montenegro. In the series of discussions, we agreed to organize joint regional training events in the coming months. These training events will cover the basic usage of regional HPC clusters, Python, and more specialized physics, chemistry, and environmental protection applications. Stay tuned for further updates by following us.

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