The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU jointly announced that Linköping University in Sweden has been chosen to host Arrhenius, the upcoming mid-range supercomputer.

Arrhenius will be a high-performance computer capable of executing over ten million billion operations per second. Its high memory bandwidth and fast data transfer make it ideal for a wide range of applications, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. European users from academia, industry, and the public sector will use Arrhenius for research in various scientific and industrial fields, such as drug design and climate change modeling. Additionally, Arrhenius will be climate-effective, as Sweden has some of the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per kilowatt hour in Europe.

Linköping University was selected to host and operate Arrhenius following the call for the selection of a hosting entity launched in December 2022. The mid-range system will be owned by Linköping University and the EuroHPC JU, which will co-fund Arrhenius up to 35% of the total costs with funding coming from the DIGITAL Europe programme. Linköping University will partner with the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) and the EuroCC Competence Centre Sweden (ENCCS) to help the uptake from industrial and public sector users.

Arrhenius is the latest EuroHPC JU supercomputer to be announced and joins the already procured supercomputers located across Europe:

The construction of two additional supercomputers is underway: JUPITER in Germany, the first European exascale supercomputer and Daedalus in Greece, with plans for more, including quantum computers.

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