The EuroCC and Centre of Excellence network has launched a new podcast called Supercomputing in Europe. The podcast covers various aspects of supercomputers, including their applications, significance in research and development, upcoming technologies, and the relationship between AI and supercomputing. Listen to stories by guests from all around Europe who talk about their work and give us interesting insights on the role of supercomputers in multiple fields, such as life science, machine learning, engineering, data science, quantum computing, and more.

The first two episodes have been released!

In the first episode, listen to EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) executive director Anders Dam Jensen discuss with communication specialist Apostolos Vasileiadis (ENCCS, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden) about EuroHPC JU and the state of supercomputing in Europe and its future.

In the second episode, listen to Marta GarcĂ­a-Gasulla and Filippo Mantovani from Barcelona Supercomputing Center discuss with Sally Kiebdaj (Center of Excellence in Exascale CFD (CEEC CoE), High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart) about the European Processor Initiative and CEEC CoE.

Listen to the podcast and expand your knowledge of supercomputing!

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